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Get More Sales – Discover Your Perfect Niche
[Webinar – 34 min] Focusing on a specific niche area in your business can dramatically increase sales, build confidence, create clarity, save time, and streamline your marketing efforts. Watch this if you aren’t getting the response you want from your marketing, or feel like you are “floundering” with no real direction, or you just want RESULTS.
You will learn:
- What niche marketing is & how it can rapidly increase your sales
- How niche marketing saves you money
- Tips to help you discover your perfect niche
- PLUS – 5 target rich ways to find your perfect niche prospects
Love & Money
[Webinar – 20 min.] The most powerful force in the universe (love), can help you manifest almost anything. Yes, that includes a more successful business and more money! The side effects are a happier, healthier, abundant, joy-filled life.
In this video we delve into the relationship between Love…and Money!
- How more love can manifest a bigger bank account
- Why the force of love isn’t used to its full potential
- The correlation between Love and Success
- The role of fear in relation to Love and Success (or lack of it)
Destiny Owned – Say YES to Change the Way You Think, Feel, & Live Your Life
[Workshop – 1 hr plus the time it takes to do the Exercises] Download Handout Here This is an interactive workshop that goes deep into discovery. Go to a quiet place, relax, and focus if you participate in this one.
Choose a life of HAPPINESS!
Choose a life of SUCCESS!
Choose a FEARLESS life!
Choose an AUTHENTIC life!
Choose The Destiny Owned LifeSM!
Business Entities
[Live Presentation – 54 min] This is a pretty clear presentation on the various business entities such as LLCs, S-Corps, Sole Props, etc. (including pros/cons of each). This is from 2015, so not all tax rates and some other details may not be up to date, since we recently had a major tax revision. However, the entity selection and other information remains the same. Also, state laws vary so confirm the current rules with your state authorities. It’s a great starting point to help you determine which type of business entity is the best in your situation. My apologies for the audio quality.
Hobby or Business?
[Live Presentation – Edited – 39 min] Are you a “business”, or are you really a “hobby”. The IRS will tell you and it can cost you! You could lose valuable business deductions if you are reclassified as a Hobby. We’ll touch on home office, audits, and share a couple of court cases too. Not the most exciting & fun topic, but very informative! Keep listening… This is from 2013 but the same general rules still apply. Please verify the accuracy of the information as tax law changes constantly. (Note: Any reference to a specific company is in relation to actual court cases, not personal opinion.)